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windows:exchange [14.01.2014 09:41]
windows:exchange [07.03.2017 17:25] (aktuální)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
 ====== Exchange Server ====== ====== Exchange Server ======
 +  * [[windows/​Exchange 2016]]
   * [[windows/​Exchange 2013]]   * [[windows/​Exchange 2013]]
   * [[windows/​Exchange 2010]]   * [[windows/​Exchange 2010]]
 +  * Exchange Server Updates: build numbers and release dates -- [[https://​​library/​hh135098(v=exchg.150)]]
   * nastavení open relay pro danou ip [[http://​​exchange-2013-configure-smtp-relay-connector/​]]   * nastavení open relay pro danou ip [[http://​​exchange-2013-configure-smtp-relay-connector/​]]
 http://​​questions/​449000/​prevent-exchange-2013-from-skipping-large-items-toomanylargeitemspermanentexcep http://​​questions/​449000/​prevent-exchange-2013-from-skipping-large-items-toomanylargeitemspermanentexcep
 +===== Vynucené generování address listů =====
 +  Get-AddressList | update-AddressList
 +  Get-GlobalAddressList | Update-GlobalAddressList
 +  Get-OfflineAddressbook | Update-OfflineAddressbook
 +===== Mazání názvu události =====
 +  Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails RoomMailbox -OrganizationalUnit "​OU=CZ,​OU=APSHOlding,​DC=aps-holding,​dc=com"​ | foreach { Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity $_.Alias -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false }
 +  * https://​​en-us/​kb/​2842288
 +===== Autodiscover =====
 +It has to be published to the root domain; Publishing it to will not work. Most website hosting company’s treat requests for with or without the www part in the same way so this usually isn’t a problem.
 +  http://​​autodiscover/​autodiscover.xml
 +It does not matter whether it is published on a http or https website. As long as the root domain matches your email domain, Outlook will query the URL.
 +redirect xml:
 +  <?xml version="​1.0"​ encoding="​utf-8"​ ?>
 +  <​Autodiscover xmlns="​http://​​exchange/​autodiscover/​responseschema/​2006">​
 +    <​Response xmlns="​http://​​exchange/​autodiscover/​outlook/​responseschema/​2006a">​
 +      <​Account>​
 +        <​AccountType>​email</​AccountType>​
 +        <​Action>​redirectUrl</​Action>​
 +        <​RedirectUrl>​https://​​autodiscover/​autodiscover.xml</​RedirectUrl>​
 +      </​Account>​
 +    </​Response>​
 +  </​Autodiscover>​
 +  * http://​​howto/​autodiscoverconfiguration.htm
 ===== Společné pro verze ===== ===== Společné pro verze =====
   * estoring Mailbox Data from a Recovery Database in Exchange 2010 SP1+ -- [[http://​​2011/​07/​restoring-mailbox-data-from-a-recovery-database-in-exchange-2010-sp1/​]]   * estoring Mailbox Data from a Recovery Database in Exchange 2010 SP1+ -- [[http://​​2011/​07/​restoring-mailbox-data-from-a-recovery-database-in-exchange-2010-sp1/​]]
   * Backing Up Exchange 2010 using Windows Server Backup -- [[http://​​2010/​03/​backing-up-exchange-2010-using-windows-server-backup/​]]   * Backing Up Exchange 2010 using Windows Server Backup -- [[http://​​2010/​03/​backing-up-exchange-2010-using-windows-server-backup/​]]
   * Manage Exchange log files via Windows Server Backup or circular logging -- [[http://​​blog/​itdojo/​manage-exchange-log-files-via-windows-server-backup-or-circular-logging/​3389]]   * Manage Exchange log files via Windows Server Backup or circular logging -- [[http://​​blog/​itdojo/​manage-exchange-log-files-via-windows-server-backup-or-circular-logging/​3389]]
   * Exchange 2010 FAQ: Why is My Disk Filling Up with Log Files? -- [[http://​​exchange-2010-faq-disk-filling-log-files/​]]   * Exchange 2010 FAQ: Why is My Disk Filling Up with Log Files? -- [[http://​​exchange-2010-faq-disk-filling-log-files/​]]
 +  * Exchange Database Recovery – Using eseutil commands - Fungovalo u právníka! -- [[http://​​2009/​07/​12/​exchange-database-recovery-using-eseutil-commands/​]]
 +  * Ad ^, pozor, ISINTEG už není. Místo něj New-MailboxRepairRequest -- [[http://​​2010/​06/​14/​goodbye-isinteg-hello-new-mailboxrepairrequest/​]]
 ==== Configure a Relay Connector in Exchange Server 2013 ==== ==== Configure a Relay Connector in Exchange Server 2013 ====
Řádek 18: Řádek 59:
 důležité pro příjem od všech uživatelů je: důležité pro příjem od všech uživatelů je:
   Get-ReceiveConnector "​Receive Connector Name" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "​Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"​   Get-ReceiveConnector "​Receive Connector Name" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "​Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"​
 +==== Přesun logů ====
 +  Get-TransportService | foreach {
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -MessageTrackingLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\MessageTracking"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ConnectivityLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\Connectivity"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -IrmLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\IRMLogs"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ActiveUserStatisticsLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ActiveUserStats"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ServerStatisticsLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ServerStats"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ReceiveProtocolLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -RoutingTableLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\Routing"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -SendProtocolLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ProtocolLog\SmtpSend"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -QueueLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\QueueViewer"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -WlmLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\WLM"​
 +    Set-TransportService $_.Identity -AgentLogPath "​D:​\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\AgentLog"​
 +  }
 +ověřit, že to zafungovalo:​
 +  Get-TransportService |  select *logpath
 +==== Nastavení SPF ====
 +Zjistit jaký je stav SPF
 +  Get-SenderIDConfig | Format-List Enabled
 +Vypnout SPF kontrolu na příchozí poštu
 +  Set-SenderIDConfig -Enabled $false
 +  * Manage Sender ID: [[http://​​en-us/​library/​aa997136(v=exchg.150).aspx]]
 +==== POP3 ====
 +pro povolení obyčejného přihlášení je třeba:
 +  Set-PopSettings -LoginType PlainTextLogin
 +==== Logování POP3/IMAP ====
 +  Set-ImapSettings -Server "​CAS01"​ -ProtocolLogEnabled $true
 +  Set-PopSettings -Server "​CAS01"​ -ProtocolLogEnabled $true
 +kam se loguje?
 +  Get-PopSettings | format-list
 +  Get-ImapSettings | format-list
 +a zajímá nás  ''​LogFileLocation''​
windows/exchange.1389688901.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 14.01.2014 09:41 autor: vm