

Manuall adoption

Over SSH:

set-inform http://<ip-of-controller>:8080/inform

adopt it in controller and then run set-inform command again on device.

Software Reset

Using SSH:

syswrapper.sh restore-default

Device will reboot automatically and start with factory defaults (login ubnt, password ubnt).


Port info on USW-Flex

and probably others too:

US.v4.3.20# swctrl poe show
Total Power Limit(mW): 8000

Port  OpMode      HpMode    PwrLimit   Class   PoEPwr  PwrGood  Power(W)  Voltage(V)  Current(mA)
----  ------  ------------  --------  -------  ------  -------  --------  ----------  -----------
   2    Auto        Dot3af     19336  Class 3      On     Good      3.28       51.56        63.60
   3    Auto        Dot3af     19183  Unknown     Off      Bad      0.00        0.00         0.00
   4    Auto        Dot3af     19183  Unknown     Off      Bad      0.00        0.00         0.00
   5    Auto        Dot3af     19189  Unknown     Off      Bad      0.00        0.00         0.00