On my workstation, I can find the machine I want to connect to in DNS with nslookup:
nslookup wolfman.company.com Server: dns.company.com Address: Name: wolfman.company.com Address:
But, when I try to connect to that machine, I get an error telling me that the machine can't be found (i.e., can't be looked up in DNS):
C:\> ping wolfman Ping request could not find host wolfman. Please check the name and try again.
I am able to connect if I use the IP address directly:
C:\> ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=126 Reply from bytes=32 time=38ms TTL=126
I believe that nslookup opens a winsock connection on the DNS port and issues a query, whereas ping uses the DNS Client service. You could try and stop this service and see whether this makes a difference.
Some commands that will reinitialize various network states :
netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ip reset reset.log
ipconfig /flushdns
route /f
(reboot required)
Zdroj: http://superuser.com/questions/495759/why-is-ping-unable-to-resolve-a-name-when-nslookup-works-fine