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Exchange Server


It has to be published to the root domain; Publishing it to will not work. Most website hosting company’s treat requests for with or without the www part in the same way so this usually isn’t a problem.

It does not matter whether it is published on a http or https website. As long as the root domain matches your email domain, Outlook will query the URL.

redirect xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Autodiscover xmlns="">
  <Response xmlns="">


Společné pro verze

Configure a Relay Connector in Exchange Server 2013

důležité pro příjem od všech uživatelů je:

Get-ReceiveConnector "Receive Connector Name" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"

Přesun logů


Get-TransportService | foreach {
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -MessageTrackingLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\MessageTracking"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ConnectivityLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\Connectivity"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -IrmLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\IRMLogs"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ActiveUserStatisticsLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ActiveUserStats"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ServerStatisticsLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ServerStats"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -ReceiveProtocolLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ProtocolLog\SmtpReceive"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -RoutingTableLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\Routing"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -SendProtocolLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\ProtocolLog\SmtpSend"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -QueueLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\QueueViewer"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -WlmLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\WLM"
  Set-TransportService $_.Identity -AgentLogPath "D:\Exchange\Logs\TransportRoles\Hub\AgentLog"

ověřit, že to zafungovalo:

Get-TransportService |  select *logpath

Nastavení SPF

Zjistit jaký je stav SPF

Get-SenderIDConfig | Format-List Enabled

Vypnout SPF kontrolu na příchozí poštu

Set-SenderIDConfig -Enabled $false


Logování POP3/IMAP

Set-ImapSettings -Server "CAS01" -ProtocolLogEnabled $true
Set-PopSettings -Server "CAS01" -ProtocolLogEnabled $true

kam se loguje?

Get-PopSettings | format-list
Get-ImapSettings | format-list

a zajímá nás LogFileLocation


windows/exchange.1457883682.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 13.03.2016 16:41 autor: vm

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