Integrace Trac
Visual Studio
integraci řeší plugin Trac Explorer
potřebuje aby na Trac serveru byl XML-RPC plugin
Zprovoznění s VS 2010
- Install Visual Studio 2010 Beta2.
- Install TracExplorer though it supports VS 2005 or Vs 2008.
- Go to the following location „C:\Program Files\TracExplorer\bin“
and open TracExplorer.VSTrac.AddIn in a notepad.
- přidat
<HostApplication> <Name>Microsoft Visual Studio</Name> <Version>10.0</Version> </HostApplication>
- Save it and close it. If it is not allowing to save it, then copy
the TracExplorer.VSTrac.AddIn on desktop open it in a notepad and do the changes as written in step four. Save it and replace the existing TracExplorer.VSTrac.AddIn in „C:\Program Files\TracExplorer\bin“ folder with the modified one.
- Now open Visual Studio 2010
- Click on Tools→ Options, Options window will open.
- Expand Environment and click Add-in/Macros Security.
- Click Add button and navigate to the path
"C:\Program Files \TracExplorer\bin"
and click Ok.
- Click on Tools→ Add-in Manager and check TracExplorer.VSTrac is
selected under Available Add-ins.
- restartovat Visual Studio
- Verify the TracExplorer is visible by clicking View→
TracExplorer. viz
- problém s přidáváním
programovani/integrace-trac.txt · Poslední úprava: 31.10.2011 20:48 autor: wladik