Hyper-V Role
RPC server unavailable chyby apod
Changing this setting is NOT necessary for remote management in a domain environment, but it is in a workgroup environment
I was trying to connect from primary test box to my hyperv core test box via the Hyper-V MMC management tools, I kept getting „Access denied. Unable to establish communication between Client and Server“.
From the command prompt of your ‘Client’ can do this by typing: „DCOMCNFG“ in the run-command in Windows.
- Browse trough to: „Component Services → Computers → My Computer“.
- Open Properties for „My Computer“ and select the COM Security tab.
- In „Access Permissions“ area click the “Edit Limits”-button.
- Select the “Anonymous Logon”-group and make sure the “Remote Access” is set to Allowed.
Now you client tools should connect successfully to the servers Hyper-V management.
Tenhle článek http://blogs.technet.com/b/jhoward/archive/2008/08/07/hyper-v-why-does-hyper-v-manager-not-always-work-over-vpn-connection-access-denied-or-rpc-server-unavailable-errors.aspx to popisuje detailněji a ukazuje jak to provést i přes PPTP apod.
Instalace na Server Core edici
zjistit seznam aktualizací
wmic qfe list
instalace Hyper-V role
start /w ocsetup Microsoft-Hyper-V
přidání lokálního admina pro vzdálenou správu
net user <username> * /add net localgroup administrators /add <user>
nebo jde využít