WDS: Windows Deployment Services

WDS a linoxvé DHCP

Do dhcpd.conf v rámci daného subnetu

subnet netmask {

je třeba přidat:

  # WDS
  server-name "<WDS SERVER NAME>";
  next-server <WDS SERVER IP>;
  option tftp-server-name "<WDS SERVER IP>";
  option bootfile-name "boot\\x64\\wdsnbp.com\000";

Auditovací mód

Automaticky pomocí unattend

To configure Windows to boot to audit mode, add the Microsoft-Windows-Deployment | Reseal | Mode = audit answer file setting.

Manuálně v instalátoru

At the OOBE screen, press CTRL+SHIFT+F3.

Pozor: The CTRL+SHIFT+F3 keyboard shortcut does not bypass all parts of the OOBE process, such as running scripts and applying answer file settings in the oobeSystem configuration pass.


Windows 7

chyba: Windows 7 SP1: Windows could not apply unattend settings during pass [offlineServicing] řešení: Using the Unattend.xml (e.g. while deploying with MDT 2010) can lead into the followig error after slipstreaming Service Pack 1 for Windows 7: Windows could not apply unattend settings during pass [offlineServicing]

This might happen because the Foundation Package Version Number in your Unattend.xml file has not been adjusted automatically. To fix this, find the following line in your Unattend.xml file (for MDT this is located under %DistributionShare%\Control\%TaskSequenceID%)

assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="6.1.7600.16385" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language=""

and change it to

assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="6.1.7601.17514" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language=""

You can get the correct version number by checking the properties of the Setup.exe in the Slipstreamed Windows 7 SP1 directory. http://www.microtom.net/?p=752

Vložení ovladačů do boot.wim souboru

Pokud nefunguje klasická cesta přímo přes WDS, s chybou: „The following driver package could not be added to the image. An invalid name request was made. The name request cannot be retrieved at this time“ tak rada podle technet for http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ar/windowsserver2008r2general/thread/07cdb5c7-4e11-4fa8-99e9-b86de1d85aa0 je dost obecná: Usually the cause could be:

  1. The driver package is corrupt. Try downloading the driver again from the manufacturer’s website.
  2. The driver is unsigned 64-bit driver.
  3. You are trying to add a driver to an install image.
  4. You are trying to add a driver to a boot image which is not based on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

POmohlo ruční vložení ovladače přes dism takto:

  • DISM /Cleanup-Wim
  • Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\winpe_dell\boot.wim /index:2 /MountDir:C:\winpe_dell\mount
  • Dism /image:C:\WinPE_dell\mount /add-driver /driver:„C:\Optiplex 980 Drivers“ /recurse /forceunsigned
  • Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\winpe_dell\mount /Commit

zdroj: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/145662-integrating-drivers-into-wds-bootwim/ a poté boot.wim přidat do WDS, už funguje.

UUID tab when creating computer object in AD

As I understand your scenario, the WDS server is installed on Windows Server 2008, the AD is installed on Windows Server 2003, you want to prestage the computer in AD but the GUID/UUID window doesn’t appear. I would like to provide the following methods:

  1. Install ADDS in Windows Server 2008 and prestage computers from Windows Server 2008.
  2. Install Windows Deployment Services role on Windows Server 2003, then you should be able to see the next window during prestage.
  3. Update the Active Directory Users and Computers on your workstation.
    1. You need the following files from your server and they have to be the same architecture, so if your workstation is x64, then so does the server.
    2. Copy those files from WDS server to the same location on your workstation.
    3. Register the dll using the following command as an administrator (remember UAC):regsvr32 imadmui.dll


Nelze dokončit konfiguraci (spouštění služeb)


This issue is caused by certain registry keys that are either:

a) Larger than 8kb

b) Set with incorrect permissions

c) Corrupt in some way

For me, the problem was intermittent (same registry key would sometimes cause the issue and sometimes not - must be corrupt sometimes) so it was impossible to tell what program was doing it. Luckily, there is a log you can look at that will tell you exactly what registry key is erroring out. Here are the steps for getting the log you need to see:

When you see the error message, do the following:

1.) Push Shift+F10 to get to a command prompt

2.) Navigate to C:\windows\Panther

3.) Find the Setup.etl file and find a way to copy this file off of the system (I copied it to the D:\ partition and used Ghost to gather that partition and get the file off)

4.) Copy the setup.etl file from the corrupted system to another computer that has Windows 7. Put it on the root of C:\ for easiest access.

5.) Open a Command Prompt on the Windows 7 computer.

6.) Navigate to the root of C:\ (or wherever you saved the file)

7.) Type „tracerpt setup.etl -o logfile.csv“

8.) Close the command prompt and open up logfile.csv in your text editor of choice.

9.) Look through the log file (towards the end probably) for messages that say „Failed to process reg key or one of it's decendants“ For me, the exact eror looked like this: „Failed to process reg key or one of its descendants: [\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Plugins\01000200\Profiles\@My profile]“ If you search for „reg key“ or „failed to process“ you should find the failure.

10.) Remove this software from your image, or find out how to get the registry key that is failing to work properly.

Hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/981542

Deaktivovat oddil aby nebootoval

select disk #
select partition #

Diskpart z konzole

DISKPART /S X:\Windows\system32\Deploy.txt  

And try the following lines in Deploy.txt:

select disk 0
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs label="Windows XP" quick
assign letter=c

Sysprep a unattend

nastartovat do Windows OOBE

sysprep.exe /generalize /reboot /unattend:Q:\Unattend-NewSettings.xml

Prestage podle MAC Adres

To configure the server to prestage clients by using their MAC address instead of their GUID
 WDSUTIL /Set-Server /PrestageUsingMAC:Yes

WinPE - testování ovladačů sítě

viz. Windows PE


open a netsh prompt:

dhcp server \\servername
add optiondef 60 PXEClient STRING 0 comment="Option added for PXE support"
set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient
set optionvalue 66 STRING WDS_SERVER_IP

Alternatively you can set options 66 and 67; but this will not use the PXE server, it will simply specify where to find the boot com file, and you will not get a menu of the different options specified in the WDS Console.

TFTP Timeout

Tohle se děje, když je WDS a DNS role na jednom serveru, jsou dvě možnosti jak to řesit

  • nastavit vetší rozsah portů aby se tam vešlo dns i wds
wdsutil /set-Server /Transport /StartPort:50000 /EndPort:65000
  • na R2 2008 srv je nastavit, aby si WDS samo rikalo WinSock o volne porty editaci registru
v HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSServer\Parameters nastavit UdpPortPolicy  na 0

viz. http://www.deployvista.com/Default.aspx?tabid=70&EntryID=66

MAzani databaze

Purging the Auto-Add Database

All computers in the pending queue are represented as an entry in the Auto-Add database. This temporary storage location serves three purposes: To provide the management utilities with a list of all pending computers on a server.

To serve as an audit trail by recording what computers have been approved or rejected.

To reduce the size of AD DS and keep old computer account objects out of the AD DS.

Each record is considered unapproved, rejected, or approved. By default, Windows Deployment Services purges unapproved and rejected computers from the database every 24 hours and purges approved computers every 30 days.

To delete an approved computer (one that was added to AD DS by using the approval process), you must perform two steps. First, you must delete the computer from AD DS. Second, you must delete the computer's record in the Auto-Add database (using WDSUTIL /Delete-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices) or else the client will not be able to boot from the network. This occurs because the record in the Auto-Add database shows the computer as approved, but a prestaged computer in AD DS will never be found (because the computer was deleted).

To delete rejected devices, run WDSUTIL /Delete-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:RejectedDevices. To delete all (approved, pending, rejected) computers from the Auto-Add database

Run WDSUTIL /stop-server to stop all services. 

Create a Temporary folder in the \RemoteInstall\Mgmt folder.

Move all existing files in the Mgmt folder to the Temporary folder.

Run WDSUTIL /start-server to start all services.


boot\bcd chyba v boot manageru

pokud se zobrazí takováto chyba

File: \Boot\BCD
Status: 0xc0000098
Windows Boot Configuration Data file does not contain a valid OS entry error.

problém je v tom, že WDS špatně detekuje architekturu počítače - problém je ale na straně výrobce počítače, protože špatně pošle údaje - a počítač tak dostane špatný boot image, k řešení by mělo stačit spustit tento příkaz:

wdsutil /set-server /ArchitectureDiscovery:Yes

a WDS restartovat.

detailnější info z http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb735275.aspx:

Implementing Windows Deployment Services
To preserve its investment in RIS, Microsoft IT chose to upgrade existing RIS servers to WDS or to build new WDS servers in mixed mode. WDS mixed mode enables deployment of WIM and earlier RIS image types. To implement this functionality, Microsoft IT configured WDS by using the option OSChooser:Yes option.
Other implementation details included providing x86-based images and x64-based images, and, in the case of x64-based clients, allowing the client to choose what operating system to install, regardless of processor type. To work around an x64-based basic input/output system (BIOS), which does not report the architecture properly, Microsoft IT also set the WDS option ArchitectureDiscovery:Yes.

zdroj: http://blogs.technet.com/b/federal-vista-team/archive/2007/05/30/windows-deployment-services-and-x64-based-systems.aspx

windows/windows-deployment-services.txt · Poslední úprava: 18.10.2014 10:41 autor: vm

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